Report on the Gourmet Market in Vietnam from 2023 to 2027

1. Overview of the Gourmet Market in Vietnam

Vietnam’s gourmet food market has experienced rapid growth in recent years, with a market size of US$120 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach US$200 billion by 2027. This growth is being driven by several factors, including a growing middle class, increasing tourism, and rising foreign investment.

2. Market Driving Factors

  • Expanding middle class: Vietnam’s middle class is growing rapidly and is projected to reach 100 million by 2027. This middle class is expected to drive the growth of the gourmet market due to their willingness to spend on dining out and fine foods.
  • Increasing Tourism: The number of tourists in Vietnam has been growing rapidly in recent years and is projected to reach 100 million by 2027. These tourists are eager to try Vietnam’s local and international cuisine, which is expected to drive the growth of the gourmet market.
  • Increasing Foreign Investment: Foreign investment in Vietnam has been increasing in recent years and is projected to reach US$200 billion by 2027. These investments are expected to help develop the infrastructure of the gourmet market and open new restaurants and cafes, driving the growth of the gourmet market.

3. market restraints

  • Food safety concerns: Food safety concerns are on the rise in Vietnam, which may restrain the growth of the gourmet market.
  • High prices: The gourmet market has a high price point, which may be a barrier for some consumers.
  • Increased competition: The gourmet market in Vietnam is highly competitive, which may restrain market growth.

4. market opportunities

  • Growth of online ordering: Online ordering is a growing segment in the Vietnamese gourmet market and is projected to account for 10% of the market by 2027.
  • Rise of fast casual: Fast casual is a growing segment in the Vietnamese gourmet market and is projected to account for 15% of the market by 2027.
  • Demand for healthy food: Demand for healthy food is a growing segment in the Vietnamese gourmet market and is projected to account for 10% of the market by 2027.

5. What are the leading companies and services?

The major players in the Vietnamese gourmet market are

  • Foodland
  • Vinamilk
  • MaxValu Vietnam
  • Aeon Vietnam
  • Royal Group

6. Conclusion

Vietnam’s gourmet market is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. This growth is being driven by several factors, including an expanding middle class, growing tourism, and increasing foreign investment. However, there are also several restraining factors, including food safety concerns, rising prices, and increased competition. There are also several opportunities in the market, such as the growth of online ordering, the rise of fast casual, and the demand for healthy food.

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